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Learn Kiswahili in United Arab Emirates and Qatar

Kiswahili Learning Centre (Kilece): Dubai, UAE & Doha, Qatar

Kiswahili Learning Centre Dubai UAE.jpg
Kiswahili Learning Centre Doha Qatar.jpg

Dubai, UAE

You can learn Kiswahili in Dubai, UAE or learn Kiswahili in Doha, Qatar. Karibu!


Dubai is the capital of Emirate of Dubai and has the highest population in United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is one of the top tourist destinations in the world. Doha is the capital of Qatar. It is the main economic and political centre. City of Doha, Qatar will be hosting the 2022 World Cup. We offer beginner Kiswahili, intermediate Kiswahili, and advanced Kiswahili language classes to interested individuals in Dubai, UAE and Doha, Qatar.  Kiswahili classes are available for 6 yrs. – 17 yr. old’s and 18+ years(adults) during weekdays and weekends, 8am to 7pm.  Our interactive Kiswahili courses are tailored to have:

  •  small class sizes

  •  daily life themed Kiswahili lessons

  •  speech labs to improve your Kiswahili conversation skills

  •  Kiswahili Culture

  •  Illustrated Kiswahili books from our library to improve your reading skills


You will also meet other international students that form the global Kiswahili community. This community supports those who are learning Kiswahili in Dubai, UAE, Doha Qatar and other parts of UAE and Qatar. 

You can also be part of our Kiswahili Community Facebook group. The group is made up of those who already speak Kiswahili or are learning it.

Doha, Qatar

It will be a pleasure to hear from you.


Peter at +971 524 949047 or Francis at +1 780 803 6033 


Email: or



 Study Kiswahili with us in Dubai, UAE and Doha, Qatar. 


For course registration, more information is available at

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